Registration Form 2016

To register to play in 2016, please fill out your details below and send. We will then update your details in Sporting Pulse.

The registration fee for 2016 is $220 PLUS $50 volunteer levy which equals $270.  The volunteer levy is refunded at the end of the year if you have performed volunteer duties during the year.  After completing the registration form, please make sure you make payment as per the following options.

There are 3 payment methods. 

CASH - please pay Seal or Marko at training
CREDIT CARD - please organise with Marko at training - you need your credit card with you - a 2% surcharge applies
EFT - by your online bank system or payment at any ANZ branch - Account details are:

Account Name:  Waverley Warriors Masters Football Club Inc      Bank: ANZ    BSB:  013220    Acct Nbr:  293956419

If paying by EFT please ensure you put your surname and initials in the description section and send a confirmation email to notifying us of your payment and method

Please Enter Your Details

Answer next question if you have played for another club and require a transfer
Partner details are so we can send invites to Ladies Only events during the year
     Send Now