What You Need To Do
ONE: You need to pay your membership fee. FEE IS $270 for MEN and $100 for LADIES payable by 1st APRIL. See below for details and payment method.
TWO: If the last team you played for was Waverley Warriors then you need to register online. See below for past player registration
THREE: If you are new to Waverley Warriors AND have never registered on Sporting Pulse as a player at another footy club then you need to register online. See below.
FOUR: If you are new to Waverley Warriors and have last played for
another club and been registered on Sporting Pulse then you need a club
transfer. See Bomber and he will
organise. Please note transfer can take
a little while so the sooner it is organised the better
Bomber has kindly offered to oversee
the registration and collection fee process.
This is a
time-consuming task so please be understanding. Bomber’s contact details are:
Email: bblakeman@outlook.com Phone: 0409 181 690
ONE: Membership Fees
The membership fee for 2018 is $270 for MEN and $100 for LADIES. There are no volunteer levies this year. Payment MUST be made by the 1st of
April at the very latest. If you do not
pay you CANNOT play. Anyone with genuine
hardship please see Bomber in confidence.
Payment Methods
The preferred
payment method is by EFT or VISA/MASTERCARD.
A credit card machine will be present at training sessions on Wednesday night. There is a 2% surcharge for credit card
By your online
bank system or payment at any ANZ branch.
Account details are:
Account Name: Waverley Warriors Masters Football Club Inc Bank: Bendigo BSB: 633000 Acct#: 162591861
If paying by EFT
please ensure you put your surname and initials in the description section and
send a confirmation email to news@waverleywarriors.com.au
notifying us of your payment.
Bring credit card
to training and see Bomber – a 2% surcharge applies, fee is therefore $275.40
Cash is a last
resort. Methods A and B are preferable. Give cash to Bomber and ask for a
TWO: Register with Waverley Warriors – Past
Registration is mandatory otherwise
you cannot play. If you last played for
Waverley Warriors then
click on the following link (it will open in a new TAB):
Waverley Warriors Registration
Now follow these
Enter your email address and click on Continue button
If the system can
find your email address it will ask for your password. It is likely you do not know your password
so click on the Forgot Password link
and follow the instructions to retrieve it, and then enter it on this screen
and click on Continue button
If the system
does NOT recognise your email address, please contact Bomber to help resolve as
it is possible it has you registered with an old
email address.
Next click on the
area at the bottom left where it shows your name.
Tick that you are registering as a player and click on the Continue button
Ensure all your details are correct and, if not, modify them. All fields with a red asterisk are mandatory.
Then understand the terms and conditions and ensure the Terms & Conditions box is ticked.
Press Confirm button to finalise your registration.
If successful a screen will indicate you are now registered.
THREE: Register with Waverley Warriors – Never
Registered Before
If you are new to Waverley Warriors AND have never registered on Sporting Pulse as a player at another footy club then you need to register for the first time. Click on the following link (it will open in a new TAB):
Waverley Warriors Registration
Firstly, enter your email address and press Continue.
The system will not recognise your email address so click that on the ‘Yes, I’m new’ button.
Your account will be created and you will need to find and email it has sent to your email address. Follow its instructions to enter a password. You must do this within 48 hours.
Once done please continue to follow the instructions in TWO.
FOUR: Transfer Required